Course Outline
1. Intro
- About me
- Why CSS art
2. Basic CSS concepts
- Box-sizing
- Positioning
- Relative
- Absolute
- Z-index
- Pseudo elements
3. CSS selectors
- nth of type
- Pseudo elements
4. EM, REM, %, VW, VH, PX and Responsiveness
5. Background property
- Background vs background-image vs background-color
- Background size
- Background-position
- Background-repeat
6. Box shadows
- Values
- Inset
- Examples
7. Basics of SCSS
- What is it
- Installing
- Variables
- Nesting
8. Gradients
- Linear gradients
- Radial gradients
- Conic gradients
9. Creating shapes with gradients
- Circles
- Squares
- Rectangles
- Weird shapes
10. Single Div Art
- What is it?
- Pencil project walkthrough
- Stapler project walkthrough
11. Photorealistic CSS Art project walkthrough
- Keyboard
- Camera